Free Batch Video Compressor for Windows

What is Deepnut?

Deepnut is a video tool for Windows that will convert, compress and shrink your video files to MP4. The resulting files are good compatible video files that play on all devices, and all computers, from phones and tablets, to windows and apple computers.

Deepnut is a video tool that can significantly shrink the file size without losing quality. It's most salient features are:

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The compressed format is MP4, which is the most compatible format on the web, and because of the sensible output that deepnut makes, you get files that play on all devices including android phones, apple iphones, mac computers, as well as windows and linux computers.

Even if your file is already in MP4, it is still possible and likely to be able to be shrunk, because there is redundant data in the video file and deepnut will remove that data. It uses the ffmpeg engine under the hood, that is very tested and worked on by volunteers around the world. It's what powers most of the video sites around the world.

Over 80% savings even at high quality settings

This tutorial shows how a set of 11 avi video files go from being 729 MB to 129 MB, which is a savings of over 80%, meaning that the large majority of the data is stripped out and the files are shrunk to less than 20% of the original size. The new files are manageable in size and can be backed up with a lot less time, and uploaded to cloud servers in reasonable time.

Up to now, it has been tricky to perform this relatively straightforward task. You had to deal with finicky tools with many option boxes, checkboxes, and strange technical lingo. I'm a technical user, a programmer, in fact, and even I had to learn a lot of video encoding jargon just to get this simple task done.

I don't want to think what trying to do what this task is like for people who don't spend as much time on the computer as I do. There is talk about file formats, containers, video codecs, audio codecs, bitrates, and a multitude of encoding options, which are basically switches, on and off switches, for all kinds of options that change the kind of video output file that is created. And if you choose the wrong ones, you get files that will fail to play on all devices.

Deepnut Drag and Drop and Click, no complication

Drag your files, or hit Add files from folder. Click Start. Can it get easier?

Easy drag and drop
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